New bookkeeping integrations for Commerce

The last couple of months we've been working with DBB on a integration, a platform that connects webshop solutions with accounting/bookkeeping solutions that are popular in the Netherlands/Belgium.

With the integration you can send orders from Commerce directly into software like Exact Online, Minox, Moneybird, Reeleezee, and more.

Today we're excited to officially release v1.0!

To provide long-term support and maintenance on the integration, we're offering it as a premium extension with a one-time €89 license fee, free to try on development domains. Webwinkelfacturen charges a yearly subscription for its services and support, from €72/year, with a one month free trial. 

Learn more about the integration, and find full setup instructions here.

We're still working on getting set up as a formal partner and getting documentation up on the Webwinkelfacturen platform, so there are some manual steps involved in getting you up-and-running for now, but nonetheless we're very excited to launch this integration!