Commerce 1.7 pre-release

We’re pleased to share the release of Commerce for MODX 1.7.0-rc1. This is a small feature release with some useful new features, fixes, and an experimental option to improve your store’s functionality.

The vision for ContentBlocks 2

ContentBlocks 2.0 is a big step forward for managing content in MODX. While version 1.x brought revolutionary ways of managing content to MODX, over a decade since its first release it also has issues we want to address that require a full rebuild. This post breaks down the changes in version 2.0 and how it improves on the previous version.

End of Support for SimpleCart

On December 31st, 2025, support for SimpleCart will officially come to an end. Earlier, we discontinued new license sales and shifted to maintenance-only mode. Now, the time has come to close this chapter.

Shutting down the demo site

We've just shut down our demo site, which was a public MODX site that everyone could login to and play with our extras. In this article we explain why.