ClientConfig gives your client a user-friendly interface for making site wide changes, while you as the administrator set up the different options available to the end-user.
ClientConfig is maintained by modmore and stable.
Released on 2025-02-01
Released on 2025-02-01
Released on 2023-11-07
Released on 2023-11-07
Released on 2022-09-17
Released on 2022-09-17
Released on 2022-07-15
Released on 2022-07-15
Released on 2022-06-13
Released on 2022-06-13
Released on 2019-10-24
Released on 2019-10-24
Released on 2019-08-19
Released on 2019-08-19
Released on 2018-12-05
Released on 2018-12-05
Released on 2018-06-26
Released on 2017-10-03 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2017-07-21
Released on 2017-02-02
Released on 2017-01-31
Released on 2015-12-09
Released on 2014-07-20
Released on 2014-07-19
Released on 2014-01-23
Released on 2013-08-15
Earlier versions were available via
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