CSRF Helper

CSRF Helper is a tool for MODX to secure forms against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities.

Version: 1.1.0-pl

V2 & V3

MODX Compatibility

Downloads: 120

License: MIT

Build by modmore

CSRF Helper • Changelog

This page contains the changelog for the SiteDash Client package. Some of these releases have only been available through the Pre-releases Channel in the package provider, which is indicated per release, while others are distributed to everyone. To receive Pre-releases, enable it for specific API Keys in your account.

Also see the SiteDash Changelog for more updates to the dashboard.

CSRF Helper 1.1.0-pl

Released on 2022-04-13

Released on 2022-04-14

  • Fix MODX3 compatibility
  • Allow translating the error message through a new lexicon [#3]
  • Update paragonie/random_compat to 2.0.21

CSRF Helper 1.0.0-pl

Released on 2019-07-26

Released on 2019-07-26

  • Make sure tokens that expired are considered invalid
  • Allow logging out without a CSRF token [#2]

CSRF Helper 1.0.0-rc1

Released on 2018-10-23

Released on 2018-10-23

  • Initial release.

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