This page contains the changelog for the SiteDash Client package. Some of these releases have only been available through the Pre-releases Channel in the package provider, which is indicated per release, while others are distributed to everyone. To receive Pre-releases, enable it for specific API Keys in your account.
Also see the SiteDash Changelog for more updates to the dashboard.
Released on 2024-12-03
Released on 2024-12-03
- Fix upgrading MODX causing the http_host in the core config to be set to localhost [#297]
Released on 2024-04-15
Released on 2024-04-15
- Add support to search for inactive manager users [Sterc]
Released on 2022-10-03
Released on 2022-10-03
- When upgrading MODX3, make sure PHP CLI version is at least 7.2 (instead of 5.6 for MODX 2.x)
- symfony/process updated from v3.4.38 to v3.4.47
Released on 2022-01-22
Released on 2022-01-22
- New: provide loaded PHP extensions in refreshes
- New: extra endpoint to check for specific MODX3 incompatibilities (modAction uses, TVs with @EVAL)
- Fix error when disk space functions are disabled
Released on 2021-10-11
Released on 2021-10-11
- New: search for users, see
- Fix typo causing server_protocol not being returned
Released on 2021-06-09
Released on 2021-06-09
- Provide the installed MODX version alongside the version according to the filesystem for better upgrade checks [#233]
- Greatly reduce the verbosity of the upgrade and backup compression log in the dashboard, instead writing a verbose log locally to core/cache/logs/
- Make sure an upgrade is marked as failed if the MODX setup does not indicate success [#142]
- Improve detection of invalid PHP executables (command line command being interpreted as web request or too old version) [#240]
- The sitedashclient.php_binary system setting will now take precedence over the automatically identified executable, to allow resolving issues with invalid PHP executables - only hardcode this if you cannot run the MODX remote upgrade without it!
- Increase upgrade timeout from 60 to 90 seconds
Released on 2021-04-28
Released on 2021-04-28
- Implement alternative approach to counting removed stale sessions to workaround and allow SiteDash to make scheduling decisions for MODX versions before 2.8.2
- Add extra parameter to the refresh endpoint to skip the session health check. SiteDash may use this in combination with a separate session gc call if refreshes timeout due to large session tables.
- Prevent fatal error in session gc on unsupported environments (PHP < 7.1)
Released on 2021-02-14 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2021-02-13
- Allow the client to run the PHP session garbage control remotely
- Client now provides session-related server configuration values which the dashboard can use to determine if it should run the session garbage control
Released on 2020-03-31
Released on 2020-03-31
- Fix updating packages on MODX 3 (tested with alpha2)
- Fix memory monitoring using the wrong value (MemFree instead of MemAvailable) causing elevated memory values [S22408]
Released on 2020-03-27
Released on 2020-03-27
- Return mysqldump output in the user visible message when encountering an error [S21887]
- Increase timeouts for backup and upgrade to 120 seconds [S22377]
- Exclude the sessions table from the backup to make it quicker on large sites
- Updated symfony/process from v3.4.20 to v3.4.38
Released on 2019-11-25
Released on 2019-11-25
- Silence open_basedir related PHP warnings in status endpoint for extended monitoring
Released on 2019-11-15
Released on 2019-11-15
- Add support for custom error log paths [R56]
- Return a nice error when the backup failed to create the target directory [S21442]
- Restore PHP5 compatibility in status endpoint
- Update the way the number of CPU cores is determined in status endpoint
Released on 2019-11-12
Released on 2019-11-12
New features:
- Allow remotely clearing the MODX cache (regular via modCacheManager, and forced by removing directories in core/cache)
- Check the size of the session table during refresh, to validate (in dashboard) if garbage collection on sessions is running properly
- New endpoint for extended monitoring (CPU/Memory usage/database health; in limited beta)
Released on 2019-09-27
Released on 2019-09-27
- [security] Prevent the MySQL password from potentially being in the returned message if the database backup fails
Released on 2019-09-26
Released on 2019-09-26
- Include the site name setting in the refresh response
- Simplify the response from remote core upgrades; should make the log easier to process in the dashboard
- Prepare remote core update for future support of updating to nightlies
- Skip overwriting config.core.php files when upgrading core [#85]
- Support proxies when downloading MODX [#64]
- Include database table prefix when refreshing information [#30]
- Fix incorrect savings percentage shown for compressing backup
Released on 2019-09-16
Released on 2019-09-16
- Check if the ZipArchive class is available before attempting an upgrade [S20710]
- Allow configuration of the PHP binary if it can't be automatically located [S20896]
- Rename incorrectly named interface/classes
Released on 2019-04-24
Released on 2019-04-24
- Include the DSN (database name and server) in the system information, to allow detecting changes
Released on 2019-02-27
Released on 2019-02-27
- Backups will now be compressed into a zip file to preserve space
- Return the upgrade logs when checking php executable fails
- Catch error when creating a new process [S19510]
- Fix unpacking the MODX zip on servers with NFS [S19512]
- Fix root files being placed in a deeply nested directory instead of the root [#65]
Released on 2019-02-25
Released on 2019-02-25
- Log the used PHP executable before running the upgrade
- Log if the PHP executable couldn't be determined and it's falling back to "php"
Released on 2019-02-22
Released on 2019-02-22
- Add check for the proc_get_status function; without it, we can't check the status of the executed command
- Make sure a failed backup sets the proper response code
- Prevent fatal error in refresh when the database connection is unavailable
Released on 2018-12-10
Released on 2018-12-10
- Downgrade symfony/process to 3.4.20 to support PHP 5.5.9+
- Provide the server with the assets_url to automatically support non-standard assets directories
- Backup process no longer depends on exec(), instead using proc_open (like upgrade) which has some wider server support
Released on 2018-11-28 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2018-11-29
- Try to automatically find the mysqldump executable before accepting the mysqldump_binary setting
- If the php executable can't automatically be determined, use simply php and assume it's available
- Check if the exec() function is available before trying the backup
Released on 2018-11-27 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2018-11-28
- Use Symfony/Process to run the setup for better security and stability
- Increase download timeout from 15 to 90 seconds
Released on 2018-11-26 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2018-11-27
- Loosen shell escaping to prevent issues with complex passwords not working for the backup
- Fix incorrect default for sitedashclient.php_binary setting
- Fix upgrade on advanced distributions where the core folder has been moved or a custom config key is used
Released on 2018-11-25 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2018-11-27
- First beta version of upgrading the MODX core!
- Make sure invalid requests still return a valid JSON response
- Add file hasher to use for validating upgrades and for keeping an eye on files changing unexpectedly
- Add backup command to create a local backup of the database and critical files
- Settings for PHP and mysqldump binaries to use
Released on 2018-08-02
Released on 2018-08-02
- Make sure that packages have their names normalised when being loaded to fix inconsistencies
- Update default server url to the new domain
- Now also reports the core path, base url/path and connectors url/path
Released on 2018-07-24
Released on 2018-07-24
- Public release. Can update itself, too!
Released on 2018-07-23 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2018-07-24
Released on 2018-07-23 (Pre-releases Channel)
Released on 2018-07-24
- Implement remote package upgrades
- Prevent E_WARN getting logged to the error log if disk_free_space or disk_total_space is in the disabled functions
Released on 2018-05-29
- Add session table health check to refresh
- Add a repair table command to allow the session table, and others, to be remotely repaired from SiteDash
- Add a database check that looks at all database tables for their status and used collations
- Fix the namespace assets_path not being set correctly (even though that's not used anywhere)
Released on 2018-03-20 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Add session table health check to refresh
- Add a repair table command to allow the session table, and others, to be remotely repaied
- Add a database check that looks at all database tables for their status and used collations
Released on 2018-02-28
- Fix overwriting authentication on upgrade to 0.4.1 (only for installs from [S16309]
Released on 2018-02-25
- Fix "core out of webroot" check causing false negatives.
Released on 2017-11-22
- Now supports downloading the error log contents
- Client Version is now reported to SiteDash so it can detect what features are available
Released on 2017-09-26
- Now also includes the core folder if it isn't outside the webroot, so the server can check if it's protected when renamed
Released on 2017-09-22
Released on 2017-09-22