Now Available: MoreGallery 1.2

I'm pleased to announce the next minor release of MoreGallery, v1.2, is available today.

This releases fixes a number of bugs, makes MoreGallery look a lot better in 2.3 and ships with a bunch of improvements to give you more control over your galleries. Below you will find a couple of highlights, be sure to check the full changelog here.

Better inheritance on settings

Previously, the system setting values for media source, relative URL and Content Position were grabbed as default value for the settings on the Gallery resource. This worked fine, but caused issues when you wanted to change the location later. With a new option "inherit", which is resolved to the system setting values, that's a problem of the past.

More control over Filenames

Don't want the resource ID appended to your relative url? Don't want the image ID in the image file name, or at the end instead of at the beginning? Previously that was not possible, but with the addition of two new settings - image_id_in_name and resource_id_in_path - you can make the files behave as you please.

Improved ContentBlocks Compatibility

We've made a number of improvements to make MoreGallery work better with ContentBlocks. It now looks and works great as always, even when you have chosen to show the content in a tab.

Even prettier in 2.3

We were already quite proud of the design for MoreGallery and received a lot of credit for that, but now we've improved on that with some brand new MODX 2.3 specific styling. As a result, MoreGallery feels more part of the manager than ever.

MoreGallery now also has a heading above the block of images, a button that lets you collapse the gallery and some more small usability tweaks to help your users.

On top of these improvements and new feature, this release also includes a number of bugfixes. Here's a selection:

  • Fix TinyMCE rendering in the image description and properly initialising it each time the window is opened
  • Strip out unnecessary data from the AJAX requests, in some cases this triggered mod_security causing issues saving image details.
  • Fix opening incorrect media source when importing from file
  • Prevent several different types of errors getting logged into the error log

As always, this update is available for all current license holders for free. If you have not yet used MoreGallery, please do check it out and play with it on the demo site. A one-site license costs only €25 and will make your clients happy to manage galleries again, so purchase your licenses today.