Introducing MoreGallery 1.5

Following the pre-release, we're glad to announce MoreGallery 1.5 is now stable and available for users to upgrade.

What's new in this update? Glad you asked!

Support for video from Vimeo and YouTube

The highlight of this release is support for video. MoreGallery will now allow you to easily embed videos from Vimeo and YouTube. Just paste in the URL and MoreGallery loads the thumbnail, title and description automatically. When it's loaded, you can use all of the other MoreGallery features with the video, including cropping the thumbnail, adding tags and using custom fields.

Visit the documentation to learn more about video support in MoreGallery.

Access Policy with new permissions

With the new permissions in MoreGallery, you can now fine tune which features are available to certain user groups. The permissions range from the ability prevent the user from using the gallery at all, to much more granular settings such as preventing users from creating new tags.

To make sure galleries don't disappear on upgrade, all users with access to the manager will be automatically given full access to MoreGallery when upgrading the extra.

See the documentation for an introduction and guidance on setting up the MoreGallery permissions.

Improved gallery duplication

In 1.5, you'll also find that duplicating a MoreGallery resource now also duplicates its images, tags and crops. This was a pretty old feature request, so we're glad to finally make that available.

and there's more...

This release also introduces some new properties on the mgGetImages snippet for finer control, allows you to list images from multiple resources, handles thumbnail generation better through a new library (Imagine) and has a number of other bug fixes. If you're interested in learning about some under the hood changes in this release you can read more here.

Visit this page for the full changelog.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.