SimpleCart 2.5 adds special pricing and improved calculations
In this prerelease of SimpleCart 2.5, we've added some cool new features and improvements. Some of these were made possible thanks to Martin Gartner of bitego, so thank you Martin for your contributions and hard work.
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Special pricing
SimpleCart 2.5 adds a new discount price field to products. Set the discount, the duration of the discount, and SimpleCart will automatically charge the right price at the right time.
(Note: you may need to make some changes to your product and cart/checkout templates for the discounts to show up in the front-end)
Improved calculations
This release fixes a number of incorrect calculations. This includes rounding issues related to taxes where the total would be off by a few cents, and changes to how percentage coupons and other discounts are applied. These changes mostly apply to small amounts; for higher product prices the rounding differences are hard to notice.
If you find any incorrect calculations after updating to 2.5, please let us know with as much detail as possible.
Percentage-based payment/delivery prices
When charging customers a credit-card surcharge, you'll want to set the payment method price to a percentage of the order total. Now you can, by ticking the "Calculate price as percentage" checkbox when updating the payment or delivery method.
SimpleCart 2.5 is currently available as a pre-release for testing. To install it, enable the pre-releases channel on the API Key.
Here's the full changelog for SimpleCart 2.5.0-rc1.
New Features:
- New Special Offer Price to set up temporary discounts on products (Thanks Martin!) [#74]
- Add option to specify payment/delivery price as percentage of order total [#104]
- Fixed price coupons can be applied as credit, instead of discount (Thanks Martin!) [#92]
- Percentage coupons are now applied to individual products instead of the total, fixing the tax calculation [#120]
- Add product code to products grid when viewing a category resource [#106]
- Add ID columns to the Delivery and Payment method grids [S9046]
- Lock the chunks and add a warning to prevent them being edited directly and overwritten on update
- FormIt values are now automatically loaded as fields, useful for confirmation pages and tax rates
- VAT is now rounded when prices including/excluding VAT are calculated [#53]
- Fix small rounding/calculation issues related to discounts [#53/112]
- SimpleCart now requires at least PHP 5.5 to install
- Asynchronously confirmed payment gateways are now better supported, e.g. Stripe w/ 3DS
- Allow passing in 0 as a valid custom field option [#89]
Bug fixes:
- Fix SimpleCart Option TV input/output properties breaking if lexicons contain quotes [S11350]
- Fix sorting on product meta (stock, code, price etc) in category resources [S14637]
- [cache storageType] Prevent one customer emptying their cart from affecting all other carts too [F234]