Commerce 1.2.0-rc4/rc5

The next, and hopefully last, release candidate for Commerce 1.2 is now available. The most notable fixes in this release following the rc3 release:

  • The Stripe webhook we fixed in rc3 was causing orders to get processed twice on certain environments. We've refactored how the webhook works, to make sure the checkout has a chance to create the transaction before the webhook swoops in and marks it as complete already.
  • Test/live labels in the top right of the dashboard are legible again.
  • Fix issue with removing free products when its conditions are no longer valid after removing the last product in the cart.
  • UK VAT validation no longer requires setting up OAuth credentials for the HMRC API, they've turned that into a public API which greatly simplifies its usage.

The full changelog for rc4 and rc5 are shown below. Unless any major issues pop up, we'll release it as stable in a week or two. Until then you can access this release in the pre-releases channel.

Commerce 1.2.0-rc5

Released on 2020-04-07

  • [dashboard] Fix invisible text on "paid" label due to regression in 1.2.0-rc4 [#748]

Commerce 1.2.0-rc4

Released on 2020-04-07

  • [admin] Allow SelectField to specify a custom emptyOptionLabel [#747]
  • [core] Make sure Commerce::EVENT_ORDERITEM_REMOVED fires in the cart (session order) as well when removing an item
  • [core] Make sure comProduct does not return removed delivery types in getDeliveryType() but the default instead [S26851]
  • [core] Update encryptedVehicle to v2.1 to allow starting initial work om MODX3 compatibility
  • [dashboard] Fix legibility of test/live mode labels in the dashboard top right [#725]
  • [dashboard] Prevent a 302 response on the checkout from flagging a HTTPS issue on the checklist [#722]
  • [dashboard] Fix missing icon for "Tax Groups" in the configuration section [#731]
  • [discounts] Fix FreeProducts module not removing free items for no longer meeting the requirements, when the order total changes to 0 after removing products [#726]
  • [discounts] Change FreeProducts module to run after, rather than before, order calculation. This allows the free product to be added one calculation sooner which in some edge cases is necessary to show up immediately [#746]
  • [discounts] Ignore fixed price coupons when calculating the quantity of order items [#679]
  • [gateways] Avoid double order processing for Stripe payments, by slowing down the webhook if it does not yet have the checkout-provided transaction ID [#729]
  • [modules] Add new required_address_fields placeholder in the Basic Address Validation module, allowing the address templates to show what fields are required [#727]
  • [taxes] EU VAT Validator now no longer requires oAuth credentials to access the HMRC VAT Validation API [#741]
  • [templates] Use commerce.coupon_code lexicon in frontend/checkout/cart/aside.twig by default [S26699]
  • [templates] Add new lexicons for "{tax percent} of/over {total taxed}" text in frontend/checkout/partial/summary.twig [#361, S26699]
  • [checkout] EnforceStock: Error messages now persist and correctly display after a redirect [#742]