Speaker Profile: Susan Ottwell

This is part three of a series of interviews with speakers that will be presenting at MODX Weekend, which will take place just outside of Utrecht, The Netherlands from September 19-22. This time: Susan Ottwell!

We're giving away € 1111!

Last week we had our 1 year anniversary. We briefly looked back at what we accomplished, and hinted at our upcoming celebration.

Today we launch said celebration. In exactly one month from now, we will give away a total sum of € 1,111. To who? Well, that's up to you!

Happy Birthday to us!

One year ago today modmore was born. A new concept, a big risk and frankly I couldn't be happier looking back at what we accomplished and where modmore is headed. The team has grown to 6 very awesome people recently, we launched 2 more premium extras, contributed to MODX and sponsored meetups around the world.

And yet, it still feels like we're just getting started.

Speaker Profile: Graeme Leighfield

This is part two of a series of interviews with speakers that will be presenting at MODX Weekend, which will take place just outside of Utrecht, The Netherlands from September 19-22. This time: Graeme Leighfield!

Automation & Scheduling with Scheduler

Earlier this month, May 7th to be precise, the first Scheduler package was released after a lot of hard work from Bert on (among other things) the interface. Scheduler is an open source addon for MODX that enables running one-off or recurring tasks at specific times in the future without the hassle. It's sort of like a cron job meets message queue. Read on to find out what you can do with Scheduler, and where to get it.