Akismet new

Akismet is an advanced spam protection service to analyse form submissions, and block spam across the internet. Our package provides hooks to use it to block spam in FormIt, Register, and Quip forms.

Version: 1.3.2-pl

V2 & V3

MODX Compatibility

Downloads: 272

License: MIT

Build by modmore

Akismet • Donate

We made Akismet as an open source extra, available for free for all users, to help combat spam. If you can afford to or use it on commercial websites, please consider making a donation to help us keep it maintain it.

Note that these donations benefit us at modmore, to develop and maintain the integration. You'll also need a subscription from Akismet directly to use it on commercial sites.

Support our work on 30+ open source extras

We take pride in our work and always try to deliver quality tools, no matter if we sell them as premium extras or release it as open source.

Maintaining all of the 30+ open source extras we have released over the years is a lot of work, which often doesn't get done as much as we'd like. Paid work and premium extras fill up our schedule faster than we can empty it as a small team.

By donating, you give us the option to reserve more time from the freelance members of our team. It literally buys more time for open source! And it also earns you our eternal gratitude, plus a public record of your generosity. Donations over €250 are also eligible for logo placement.


Raised €300 of €1,250 goal this year, €443.20 total (all-time)

Note that we're not a non-profit organization, so EU-based clients may see VAT added during checkout. The full amount, VAT included, counts towards the goal.

Hall of fame

Please note we switched our billing in March 2023, and only donations made after that switch are listed below.

From 2013 until the switch, we received a grand total of €4933 in donations (an average of €548 per year), across all our projects and several crowdfunding campaigns.

We'd like to especially thank the legendary Susan Ottwell for her very generous €1000 donation, and Jens Wittmann for various donations over the years totalling €550+. 💙

The average donation we received is €110.80.

  • Jens Wittmann

    November 19th, 2024
  • Treehill Studio

    September 6th, 2023
  • Joshua Lückers

    March 17th, 2023


Disclaimer: Viewing non-Euro pricing

You are currently viewing prices in a non-Euro currency. Please be advised that these prices are estimates, based on data by Open Exchange Rates.

While we offer this currency converter hoping our users find it convenient, all purchases are made in Euro, and the final amount charged can vary depending on payment provider, day, time of day and a number of other factors outside of modmore's control. There are no guarantees on accuracy and neither modmore nor Open Exchange Rates can be held liable for errors.
