Released on 2024-06-07
Released on 2024-06-07
- Fix issue with uploads on MODX3 with upload_translit enabled [#542]
Released on 2023-11-21
Released on 2023-11-21
- Promote to stable release.
Released on 2023-11-09
Released on 2023-11-09
- Fix copy/pasting URLs getting the manager url prepended, also cleaning up any instances that may already be there on load [#540, #523, #471, #381]
- Support inserting multiple images at once (requires MODX 3.1, see modxcms/revolution#16348)
- Change http:// to https:// when inserting a link without the protocol [#541]
- Add ability to disable the fixed toolbar in the Toolbar tab of the configurator [#524]
Released on 2022-12-12
Released on 2022-12-12
- Disable fixed toolbar when air mode is active to avoid conflicts [S31035]
- Fix inability to get back to visual mode after activating source mode with the air toolbar [S31035]
Released on 2022-11-24
Released on 2022-11-24
- Fix using the Redactor input type for ContentBlocks while using a different (or no) editor by default [S34411]
Released on 2022-09-26
Released on 2022-09-26
- Fix path placeholders not working [F2379]
- Fix some more strict type checks that would prevent functionality from working in 3.0
- Fix uploaded file url generation losing the first filename character in some edge cases [#528]
Released on 2022-09-19
Released on 2022-09-19
- Fix TypeError when Redactor encounters an image without a src
- Add redactor.allow_data_uris system setting to opt-in to supporting data URIs for images
- Fix error in Redactor TV on MODX3 [#535]
- Fix template-specific configuration set not applying in MODX3 [#534]
Released on 2021-10-27
Released on 2021-10-27
- Further license-related tweaks for MODX 3.0.0-alpha3
Released on 2021-10-26
Released on 2021-10-27
- Allow installation on MODX 3.0.0-alpha3
- Updated Redactor.js from v3.4.8 to v3.5.2, for details:
Released on 2021-02-09
Released on 2021-02-09
- Adjust z-index for fullscreen Ace editor to prevent navbar issues [F2035-11]
- Fix z-index for redactor modals hiding behind MIGX and other popups after a Redactor.js update changed modal IDs [#522]
- Update divider plugin to work more reliably with improved toolbar.addButton behavior in redactor.js
- Sort button-related plugins by order in which they are used, to improve reliability of positioning [#519, S24844]
- Update Redactor.js from v3.4.5 to v3.4.8, including improved XSS protections:
- Patch toolbar.addButton with fix for buttons disappearing if the button before it isn't yet loaded
- Add ability to customise the font family and color options available in fontfamily and fontcolor dropdowns [#509]
Released on 2020-10-27
Released on 2020-10-27
- Allow installation on PHP 7.1 again
- Guard against calling MODx.loadRTE/loadRedactorConfigurationSet without an element [#22971]
- Make sure resources are marked as having changes pending when editing in the RTE [#515]
- Fix image resize handler not being visible when Redactor is used in a modal popup [#507]
- Updated Redactor.js from v3.3.3 to 3.4.5, for details:
Released on 2020-04-06
Released on 2020-04-06
- Fix resource-related path placeholders not working [#21971]
Released on 2020-02-14
Released on 2020-02-14
- Fix error in MODX3 due to strict typing
- Update to redactor.js v3.3.3; this prevents the editor from breaking when unlisting content. [#502]
- Automatically enable the imported configuration set when upgrading from v2 [#504]
- Add the .redactor-editor content style class to the set imported from v2 [S21929]
- Support custom configuration set to use with MIGX TVs, see: [#501]
Changelog for redactor.js v3.3.3:
- Fixed: When formatting the list, the content is removed if the editor within the list.
- Fixed: Adding rows and columns to the table is available even if the cursor is not in the table.
- Improved: XSS sanitize when inserting svg and img.
- New: Setting source.codemirrorSrc if codemirror is used as a module.
Released on 2020-02-05
Released on 2020-02-05
- Prevent installation from continuing if server requirements aren't met
- Fix autocomplete for links only working in the first redactor instance per page (e.g. in ContentBlocks) [#500]
- Fix CSS scoping issue for CodeMirror, causing conflict with standalone CodeMirror extension [#503]
Released on 2020-01-16
Released on 2020-01-16
- Don't load English translation file to avoid emptying plugin translation strings (alignment, clips) [S21859]
- Fix z-index issues with the MODX media browser, by not overriding the z-index to make it appear in front of Redactor-built modals but closing the initiating Redactor modal window instead. [S21859]
- Add support for shift+tab to outdent within lists [B31]
- Fix replaced images not being saved [B31]
- Restore fixed toolbar to normal toolbar when opening full screen mode [#492]
- Split autoparse options in the configurator to a separate tab
- Add options for resource links: limit to current context, include introtext [S21862]
- Make directory depth for the simple browser configurable
- When adding a link, the resource search will now automatically query for the selected text
- Fix link styles not working correctly with multiple classnames
- Fix image styles not preselecting current styles when it has multiple classnames
Released on 2020-01-13
Released on 2020-01-14
Welcome to Redactor 3. A refreshed and modernised take on the rich text editor.
This is a major release and paid upgrade for users of Redactor 2. Learn more in the release announcement:
Some of the highlights in Redactor 3:
- Configuration is now managed with Configuration Sets. After installation, browse to Extras > Redactor Configuration to start. On upgrade, your previous settings will be (as much as possible) migrated to the new format, including context-specific overrides
- Much simpler media manager is now included by default. You can also use the standard MODX browser, or both!
- New input type for ContentBlocks allowing you to choose a configuration set per field
- You can now choose a configuration set per template
- New `divider` button lets you visually separate toolbar buttons
- Different themes are now supported, including the new default, a Redactor 2-inspired theme, and one filled with rainbows
- New properties plugin to set IDs and classes on any block element
- Improved core editing experience with better cleanup and some long-standing issues resolved
- redactor.css setting now support a comma separated list of CSS files rather than just one
- Sanitising file names now supports transliteration
- New Image Styles option lets you define classes that can be added to an image
- Experimental support for Fred
- Redactor plugins from Imperavi, which often do not ship with a translation, can now be translated through the MODX lexicon system
Powered by Imperavi's redactor.js v3.3.2.
Released on 2020-01-04
Released on 2020-01-04
- Fix MODX3 alpha compatibility issues in media browser
- Fix fixed toolbar positioning in MODX3
- Remove unused plugin events from package: OnTVOutputRenderList, OnTVOutputRenderPropertiesList, OnManagerPageBeforeRender, OnRichTextBrowserInit, OnDocFormPrerender
- Update build to use encryptedVehicle 2.1 and proper minimum requirements check
Released on 2019-12-18
Released on 2019-12-19
- Don't register a TV output type; that's not used and can cause side-effects with custom plugins
- Small license check fix
Released on 2019-09-05
Released on 2019-09-06
- Fix upload errors being returned in wrong format [S20839]
- Make sure errors are shown in a nice popup
Released on 2019-08-08
Released on 2019-08-06
- Prevent rendering the content field if ContentBlocks is used. This improves manager performance and prevents errors from getting triggered in the developer console (with ContentBlocks 1.8.12+).
- Fix hardcoded numbers in the replacer window ([email protected])
- Add new plugin_replacer_button setting that lets you add a button for the find & replace functionality
Released on 2019-07-11
Released on 2019-07-11
- Prevent Codemirror plugin from breaking resource save in some cases due to JS error [S20434]
Released on 2019-06-13
Released on 2019-06-13
- Catch exceptions in media source when trying to list files or directories outside open_basedir [S19733]
- Prevent invalid HTML from breaking the baseurls plugin, which in turn would prevent content from being stored [S20288]
- Fix typing "a" with linebreaks mode and baseurls plugin breaking the manager
Released on 2019-02-19
Released on 2019-02-19
- Fix missing translation for aligning images in the center, by re-using alignment strings for text alignment [S17648]
- Fix E_NOTICE undefined index "style" when the style is not defined on custom formatting [S19277]
- When using multiple classes in a formattingAdd style, the styles now apply in the dropdown too [S19277]
- Fix replaceTags setting not working [F1733]
- Fix plugin for linking to resources missing from Redactor TVs [F1723]
- Fix redactor.linkResource setting not having any effect; it now toggles the custom linking tabs (resource, email, etc) [F1732]
Released on 2018-07-03
Released on 2018-07-04
- Fix package installation on MODX3
- Fix broken editor in MODX3 due to missing language (stored in session instead of setting)
Released on 2018-02-06
- Add Ukrainian language file [S14393]
- Fix license check running daily instead of weekly
Released on 2017-08-10
- Fix incorrect falling back to default media source instead of redactor-specific settings [S12760]
Released on 2017-07-09
- Allow custom (inline) formatting to be applied to headers
Released on 2017-05-03
- Fix Bold/italic/underline etc don't work in Chrome [#456]
- Fix buttonsHide settings, set these as comma separated lists
Released on 2017-05-01
- Fix Bold/italic/underline etc don't work in Chrome [#456]
- Fix buttonsHide settings, set these as comma separated lists
Released on 2017-04-06
- Add new `root-relative` baseurls mode value for subdirectory-based contexts with shared assets in the site root [S11174]
- Fix potential jQuery conflicts affecting Redactor template variables [S11205]
- Fix context-specific redactor.css setting not being recognised [#443]
- Fix Rich Text TVs on symlinks/weblinks/static resources not getting enhanced [#449]
- Add missing video plugin control on Redactor TVs [#441]
- Fix Dutch translation of "paragraph" [#413]
- Fix for redactor.removeAttr and redactor.allowedAttr syntax
- Fix Search/Replace plugin [#447]
- Fix unintentional typeahead in Edit Image > Alt Text field [#453]
Released on 2016-05-18
- Fix predefinedLinks plugin
- Hacked redactor.js to add support for multiple modal callbacks
Released on 2016-05-02 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Fix file path issue with dom4 and no-flexbox polyfills which broke the browser in certain browsers
- Fix issue causing file browser to not open to redactor.file_browse_path
- Fix uncaught type error in Eureka Media Browser when media source is not yet set
Released on 2016-04-14
- Fix Broken Link Anchor Tab
- Image and File Browsers now use separate local storage cache keys
Released on 2016-03-28
- All new "List" View in Eureka Media Browser
- Fix Eureka upload button in Firefox [#405]
- Fix some buttons not available for TV usage [#416]
- Eureka: Option to disable enlarging of focused rows by creating an enlargeFocusRows System Setting set to false
- Make storagePrefix configurable via hidden redactor.storagePrefix setting [#396]
- Fix compatibility with FileSluggy and similar extras [#398]
- Fix some buttons not available for TV usage [#416]
- Fix issue preventing images with uppercase extensions from showing [#404]
Released on 2016-01-31
- Fix Eureka Media Browser Layout flips out completely on Chrome 48 [#399]
Released on 2016-01-15
- plugin_uploadcare System Setting now defaults to false
- Respect Selected Text When Inserting Files [#384]
- Fix Weird Clips Behavior [#388]
Released on 2015-12-22
- Restore the resource typeahead on image links [#372]
- Switching redactor.pastePlainText System Setting to default to false [#375]
- Fix Advanced Attributes don't persist in modal [#392]
- Insert Images by URL (See plugin_imageurl Setting)
- Fix issues with Formatting and Custom Formatting options not being used on Redactor TVs [S7400]
- Fix persistence of plugin-related Redactor TV options [S7400]
- Fix disabling plugins on specific Redactor TVs if they're enabled globally [S7400]
- Make sure Redactor TV options use the setting lexicons for better and translated descriptions [#109]
Released on 2015-11-02
- Fix broken flexbox layout on touch devices [#387]
- Fix incorrect choose title when eureka upload is enabled [#386]
- Fix layout when Eureka sidebar is collapsed [#385]
Released on 2015-10-26
- Fix incorrect link text on convertLink [#374]
- Fix issue with Clips not inserting inline HTML [#378]
- Fix incorrect check causing E_NOTICE errors in upload
- Fix bug with some upload path placeholders not working
Released on 2015-10-01
- Update Redactor.js to 10.2.5 with several bug fixes
- Fix Eureka growing beyond available size with lots of directories [#367]
- Fix email links adding double mailto: [#368]
- Fix Eureka breaking out of the modal [#370]
- Improve consistency in modal styling [#371]
Released on 2015-09-16
- Fix thumbnails not showing in certain environments [S6479]
- Fix Broken Image Edit Window [#366]
- Fix various z-index issues when used in MIGX and other components [S6480]
Released on 2015-09-07
Redactor 2 is here! For the full details of the 2.0 release, please check the changelog for Redactor 2.0.0-rc2 below,
or visit the blog for the official announcement.
Fixes in 2.0.0-pl since 2.0.0-rc8:
- Fix loading of Eureka with js compression enabled [#354]
- Fix loadIntrotext not working in certain edge cases
Released on 2015-09-04 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Show size of image while resizing [#95]
- Fix potential E_NOTICE error when dealing with ultimate parent [#353]
- Fix redactor.date_files not being respected on file uploads [#350]
- Fix dynamic thumbnail being missing from Eureka [#349]
- Fix switching back to visual mode with ace editor on TVs [#355]
- Prevent loading Ace multiple times when used on TVs
- Load Ace from CDN with fallback
- Fix missing limiter setting and incorrect format
- Fix Ace Editor In TVs (and not main content)
- Ensure un-ordered lists are bulleted with list-style-type:disc
- Breakout Media Source TV Input into File/Image [#362]
- Fix marginFloatLeft and marginFloatRight [#360]
- set redactor.linkTooltip to default to true
Released on 2015-08-14 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Fix bug introduced in rc6 that prevented editing chunks
Released on 2015-08-13 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Remove searchImages Setting
- ImagePX Plugin Fix (thanks for the Pull Request YvonneYu)
- Fix No Eureka on RedactorTVs [#351]
- Updated Eureka Media Browser localStorage keys to be more specific
- Allot Media Browser Stage more pixels [#328]
- Updated Redactor.js to 10.2.3
Released on 2015-08-02 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Fix issue where saving a resource duplicated Redactor TVs [#344]
- Fix issue with Clips plugin causing fatal JavaScript error [#346]
Released on 2015-07-29 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Added ability to use different media sources for uploading and browsing files vs images (does not effect Eureka browser) [#331]
- Fix issue with path placeholders not working as expected [#333]
- Fix issue where uploading files used the configured image path [#334]
- Fix issue with opening eureka for inserting files [#335]
- Fix issue where disabling eureka did not fallback to the legacy browsers [#336]
- Fix browse issue when using legacy (non-eureka) browser [#338]
- Fix broken source mode when using CodeMirror and a Redactor TV [#330]
- Only show images when browsing images in Eureka [S6009]
- Fix dropdown position when toolbar is fixed [S6009]
- Improve compatibility with dynamic media source paths using snippets relying on $modx->resource [#322]
- Fix issue where in some cases TVs that are moved to a new tab with form customizations have no toolbar
Released on 2015-07-23 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Fix issue with right-side of the manager not loading after update to 2.0 on certain environments
- Fix issue with incorrect media source being initially chosen
- Fix issue where toolbars on TVs were hidden until scrolling [#321]
- Fix issue with fixed toolbars getting stuck when going to fullscreen mode [#324]
- Fix Root Directories not Expanding when selected [#326]
Released on 2015-07-19 (Pre-releases Channel)
Redactor for MODX v2 is here! Our second major release of Redactor is based on v10.2.2 and ships with a lot of new features and improvements.
For upgrade notes, please visit
Redactor.js v10 highlights:
- Largely rewritten with a modular design with 36 core modules and over a dozen plugins
- Dozens of new settings, callbacks and APIs
- Fixed 60+ formatting issues and 100+ other core editor bugs
- See and for more Imperavi updates
New Features:
- New, more powerful and better looking Media Browser for inserting images or files
- Syntax Highlighter Support for the source mode powered by Ace or CodeMirror (#262)
- Path placeholders now include Template Variables (with [[+tv.name_of_tv]]), parent alias, ultimate parent alias and all resource fields (#199)
- All settings are now context-aware, allowing per-context overrides on Redactor configuration (#146, #275)
- New custom formatting baked into the core (#260)
- Tagging for Clips plugin allows to find specific clips quicker (#250)
- Ability to set images dimensions in pixels
- Add subject, CC and BCC field to the Insert Link > Email tab as advanced attributes (#203)
- Optionally add a Redactor editor to the introtext (#243)
- Also see the list of Plugins below for more exciting new or improved optional features.
- Uploading images and files now requires the file_upload permission (#159)
- Boolean setting values are now properly recognized (#266)
- Improved handling of image urls, which are now relative to the site base url by default (#288)
- Updated jQuery to 1.11.3
- Show context on hover in Insert Link > Resource typeahead (#204)
- Prevent overwriting existing files by adding an incremental index to filenames instead (file sources only, #198)
- Better abstraction of MODX/modmore-specific overrides for faster Imperavi updates
- Fix issue with using typeahead on third party components (#248)
- Fix issue with attempting to create thumbnails of .svg images (#246)
Includes plugins as of Redactor 2.0:
- Base URLs: normalizes image src attributes to ensure clean output
- Breadcrumbs: shows the markup hierarchy from the cursor
- Clips: easily insert configurable snippets of code or special characters
- Contrast: hit f5 to inverse the editor colors for high contrast mode, works best in full screen
- Counter: shows the length of your content, and approximately how long it will take to read
- Defined Links: allows setting up predefined links that are available in a dropdown when adding a link
- Download: downloads the html source of what's in the editor to file
- Eureka: shiny new accessible media browser
- File manager: upload files or browse existing one with Eureka
- Font color: change the color of part of the text
- Font family: change the font family of the text
- Font size: change the size of the text
- Fullscreen: make the editor full screen for more immersive writing
- ImagePX: provides extra options in the image window to specify the size of an image in pixels
- Limiter: makes sure the content does not exceed a certain limit
- Norphan: prevents orphaned words at the end of sentences by adding a between the last and second last word
- Replace: simple find and replace utility (#254)
- Speek: listen to your written words being spoken with the power of HTML5 speech APIs
- Syntax: use the Ace syntax editor for the source view; codemirror is also available
- Table: the table features that were available before are now available as separate plugin
- Text Direction: set the text direction of a block-level element
- Text Expander: expend small pieces of text into a larger one
- UploadCare: as alternative to locally hosting images, UploadCare lets you upload directly to their service from Redactor
Removed features and breaking changes:
- Please see the upgrade notes at
Released on 2015-06-16
Released on 2015-05-25
- Hardened XHR Security
- #267 Clean up placeholders that don't exist
- #284 Upload filename correctly when it starts with UTF8
- #285 Fix issue with setting title on link create
- #292 Fix additional plugin usage with RedactorTV
Released on 2014-12-30
- Fix issue browsing images when there is only one image in the browse folder.
Released on 2014-11-05
- Load the current resource more definitively to cover some edge cases where the resource is not in the modX scope
- Loosens Patch 11291 Conditional which caused asset paths to break in Revolution 2.3.2+
- Lexicon Updates
Released on 2014-10-30
- Fix z-index issue when used with MIGX
- #244 Fixes Adding Classes via Custom Formats
Released on 2014-08-14
- Several all new features!!! See Redactor 1.5.0-rc1 release notes below for more info
- Added Hidden Mobile Buttons to TV Level
- Lexicon Updates
Released on 2014-08-07 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Some more design tweaks in modals and fields for better consistency
- Fix "undefined" placeholder for linking to resources
- #235 Fixed toolbar offset height in MODX 2.2.x
- #237 Fix Linking issue when editing images
- #238 Fixed underlapping toolbar issue
- Added toolbarFixed and toolbarFixedBox settings
- Fix setting lexicon keys for predefinedLinks and shortcutsAdd
Released on 2014-08-05 (Pre-releases Channel)
- ALL NEW Custom Toolbars Feature!!!
- New Custom Formats WYSIWYG Widget
- Now easier to link image to resources with new typeahead feature
- New Predefined Links Feature for quicker editing
- Added rebeccapurple support to all color settings
- Fix the toolbar within the editor box so it's always in screen
- #100 Properly report error to user if upload failed for whatever reason
- Make tweaks to the CSS to make Redactor blend in with 2.3 even better
- Use proper dependency injection model in plugins
- Prevent excessive error logging in 2.3.0
- Added $redactor->versions support for third party packages to determine Redactor's version
- Updated fontcolor plugin
- #224 Fixed Editing Link URLs in Firefox
- #219 Fixed Broken Modal in Fullscreen mode
- #194 Fix clearing margins when un-floating images
- #184 Fixed tab inserts "1" bug
- #214 Table pasting issue
- #202 Open in New tab when linking to a file
- Updated redactor.js to 9.2.6
- New Typewriter mode
- Hidden Mobile Buttons
- Toolbar Overflow
- Image Tab Link Setting
- Clean Spaces Setting
- Additional Shortcuts
- Many bug fixes. See more at
Released on 2014-07-27
- Enables a patch for broken asset paths. If running MODX 2.2.15 - 2.3.1, Redactor will attempt to patch broken asset URLs caused by modxcms/revolution#11291. To disable create a redactor.patch_11291 System Setting and set to 'No'.
Released on 2014-07-06
- #217 Fixes broken image thumbnails when inserting images from a search result
- #221 Loosen image search sensitivity
- Fix typo causing OnRichTextEditorInit event from not getting checked.
Released on 2014-04-10
- Ensure Redactor TVs have access to the Resource data for upload/browse path placeholders
- Fix loading the proper RTE based on context settings
- #153 Fix E_NOTICE error in redactor class because of check for pre-2.2.9 S3 issue
- Fix lexicon entries for new settings in 1.4.0
- Ensure that the English language set is used as default to prevent undefined issues.
Released on 2014-02-12
- New Advanced Attributes feature for WYSIWYG editing of classes and ids on images and links!
- 25 New Languages
- Update to Redactor 9.1.9 with several bug fixes!
- Update to jQuery 1.11.0
- #175 Prevent Images from loading until Choose tab is selected
- #176 Fix issue when loading Redactor on non-CMP pages
- #171 Fix undesired base path appended on Edit Link window (set linkProtocol to empty)
- #169 Fix colors in FontColor plugin
- #168 Add Anchors to Links (via Advanced Attributes)
- #94 Add optional class field to images (via Advanced Attributes)
- #163 Add extra placeholder for upload paths (pagetitle, alias, context_key)
- #160 Add linkNoFollow System Setting
- #155 Fix choose file/image when there is only 1 result
- #80 Fix View Source overlapping save buttons
Released on 2013-11-18
- Fix problem with redactor loading in the content area (reverts #140)
Released on 2013-11-17
- #143 Fix issues with link* settings
- #140 Ensure Redactor loads in MIGX DB
Released on 2013-11-13 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Updating to Redactor 9.1.7
- Update to jQuery 1.10.2
- Add [[+day]] tag for dynamic file and image upload paths
- #150 Fix bug with unordered lists in Clips JSON
- #136 Default observeLinks to true
Released on 2013-10-18 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Add sanitizePattern and sanitizeReplace settings to tweak upload file name sanitization
- Fix issue with page not reloading when creating resources that have a Redactor TV.
- Improve loading in custom components that are built with modManagerControllerDeprecated
- Fix bug with incorrect paths when using the Choose files functionality.
- Update to Redactor 9.1.5:
- Fix several issues with outdent, video links and uploading
- new image and file parameter configuration
- new xhtml setting making code produced by Redactor more XHTML-compatible
- new linkSize setting to allow links to be truncated
- improves parsing of Vimeo links
- improves performance on large texts
- improves compatibility with IE 7.
- Update to Redactor 9.1.4:
- fix observeLinks tooltip compatibility when in fullscreen mode
- fix IE9-10 issues with clipboard paste.
Released on 2013-09-16 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Ensure linkProtocol can be disabled.
- #52 Ensure floated images stay in their WYM container
- #91 Changing image position improperly unset margins/classes from the former position
- #127 Default to editor_css_path setting if redactor.css is empty
- #128 Fix description of file browse path setting
- Update to Redactor 9.1.4, which fixes observeLinks functionality in iframe and fullscreen and IE9-10 issues with clipboard paste.
- #135 Restore missing CSS since 1.3.0.
- #134 Fix resource search with Redactor TVs
- #133 Fix missing styles for list items
Released on 2013-09-08 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Update to Redactor 9.1.3 which fixes many formatting and pasting issues and adds copy-paste image support for uploads! Pasting images to S3 Media Sources requires MODX 2.2.9 or later. Thanks to Jan Peca for the MODX 2.2.9 fix!
- Added drag and drop for images support. Just drag images right into the content area!
- Images can be moved/dragged across text.
- Rewritten and improved image resizing.
- Link parsing for images and videos. Paste URLs to images YouTube or Vimeo videos to auto embed.
- Option to open links in new tab.
- Paste as plain text.
- Removed toolbar color selector
- Added color selector plugin
- New tidyHtml setting - allows to turn off nice output code formatting.
- New observeLinks feature allows to follow/edit links by putting cursor to the link
- #130 Add system setting for removeEmptyTags
- #131 Fix for missing styles in iFrame mode
Released on 2013-09-04
- Fix Redactor TVs when the language is set to something other than English.
Released on 2013-08-21
- #121 Add [[+id]] placeholder to paths to insert resource IDs.
- Only load clips and styles plugin on TVs when necessary.
Released on 2013-08-14 (Pre-releases Channel)
- #123 Mail to tab on insert link modal now is available by default
- #124 Fix issue when displaying image subfolders when choosing images
- #125 Add browse configurations for images and files to Redactor Template Variables
- #118 Fixes issue with remote media sources
Released on 2013-08-05
- Fix issues with MIGX ("$ is undefined" errors)
- Fix odd issue on PHP 5.3 with not loading the scripts.
Released on 2013-08-05
- Fix issues with redactor.additionalPlugins.
- Fix issue with regular richtext TVs not loading Redactor.
Released on 2013-08-03 (Pre-releases Channel)
- #117 Add Custom CSS stylesheet in non-iframe mode
- #113 Add insert advanced option to Styles JSON (set "advanced":"1") to use insertHTMLAdvanced
- Renamed Iframe CSS Setting to Stylesheet
Released on 2013-08-01 (Pre-releases Channel)
- #112 Improve Styles JSON compatibility
- #113 Consider code tag text-level semantic element (not block)
- #114 Add forceBlock option to JSON
Released on 2013-08-01 (Pre-releases Channel)
- #110 Fix console error with Clips plugin
- #111 Custom Formatting: wrap inline for text-level semantic tags
Released on 2013-08-01 (Pre-releases Channel)
- #99 Fix air toolbar not showing in fullscreen mode
- #107 Default media source for Redactor to value of default_media_source setting
- #16 Add ability to load custom plugins through a system setting definition.
- #108 Slightly change text to indicate you need to start typing to find resources.
- #48 Refactor to make use of OnRichTextEditorInit plugin event to allow using Redactor in other components.
- Update to Redactor 9.0.4 to fix amoung other things issue when switching between visual and source code mode in Firefox, pasting in iOS and inline styles.
- #44 Add custom formats like TinyMCE
- #69 Add Clips Plugin
- #105 Add base tag when in iFrame mode (for TinyMCE and CKEditor compatibility)
- Fix for TVs when which_editor != Redactor
- #103 Open in New Tab option when linking to Resources
- #20 Add MIGX Support
- #16 System Setting to load custom plugins
Released on 2013-07-02
- Add missing cachebust from 1.1.1-pl.
Released on 2013-07-02
- Update to Redactor 9.0.3, fixing among other things firefox issues with typing after selecting text, various cleanup bugs, switching between ul/ol tags.
- Fix further issues with link editing.
- #46 Fix issues with iframe mode.
Released on 2013-06-30
- Update to Redactor 9.0.2 fixing among other things pasting lists from Google Docs, inactive buttons, pasting in Chrome, link pasting and undo.
- #40 Add browse feature for adding/linking to files + redactor.browse_files Setting to enable it
- #33 Add fullscreen plugin + redactor.buttonFullScreen Setting to enable it
- #55 Add redactor.displayImageNames Setting to display file names under images in Choose window
- #66 Add redactor.dynamicThumbs Setting to disable dynamic thumbnail (phpthumb)
- #50 Properly change/escape unsafe characters in uploads
- #56 Fix typeahead initialization on non-link modals
- #41 Show warning if no file exist in browsing location.
- #60 Add redactor.browse_path Setting to allow browsing elsewhere than uploads directory.
- #38 Add redactor.linkResource Setting to hide Resource tab in Link window
- #65 Fix Incorrect Link Options bug.
- #58 Combine and Minify JavaScript on frontend.
- #61 Cache Bust JavaScript.
- #62 Fixed broken manager pages with RedactorTV bug.
- #63 Moved Resource Tab to second position in insert link window
- French lexicon updated, partial Dutch and Czech added.
Released on 2013-06-16
- Update to Redactor 9.0.1, fixing among other things backspace issues, link adding/editing.
- #49 Make sure to use jQuery noConflict mode to make sure it plays nice with other possible jQuery instances.
- Fix wrong method (process instead of render) in TV Input Type.
- #53 Fix undefined on file upload bug.
- #51 Fixed broken links on dated files bug.
- #34 Moved Resource tab to first position.
Released on 2013-06-04
- Fix additional issue with loading translations in non-English managers due to 9.0.0 changes.
Released on 2013-06-04
- Fix issue with loading translations in non-English managers due to 9.0.0 changes.
Released on 2013-06-04
- Fix ability to uninstall the package.
- #35, #36, #45 Update setting descriptions for Redactor 9.0.0 and to be more useful.
- #37 Change insert link text to "Insert/Edit link"
- #42 Add ability to disable the introtext displaying in resource typeahead.
- #43 Add ability to scroll in the resource type ahead
- Upgrade to Imperavi's Redactor 9.0.0
Released on 2013-05-26
- Add French lexicon. Thanks @rtripault!
- #32 Add HTML5 tags to the default allowedTags setting.
Released on 2013-05-23
- Fix bug where settings and other configuration were not properly passed to Redactor.
- Change default buttons to include separators.
Released on 2013-05-20
- First released version of Redactor through modmore.