Standard Unlimited Support
All our premium extras include standard unlimited support and lifetime updates for the current major version. As long as you're using the latest major version, you can ask us anything via [email protected].
We don't release major updates often; at most every 2 years or so. When that happens you can upgrade at a discounted upgrade price to continue getting support and updates when a new version is released.
If you choose not to upgrade, you can continue to use the previous major version indefinitely, but after 6 months we'll no longer release updates or provide support for that version.
Extra | Currently supported version(s) |
Redactor | 3.x (released January 2020), 2.x (supported until July 2020, released September 2015) |
MoreGallery | 1.x (released October 2013) |
ContentBlocks | 1.x (released May 2014) |
SimpleCart | 2.3+ (released June 2015), no longer recommended for new shops |
Commerce | 1.x (upon release) |
Note that while support is tied to the major version, we still expect you to maintain a proper upgrade etiquette and to stay up-to-date. We regularly release bug fixes and new features and may be unable of assisting with issues if you're too far behind.
How to tell what version you're using
To see what extra version you're using, head over to the Purchases & License page. It'll list the extras you have purchased and which version is currently installed on which site.
Getting help for modmore extras
There are a couple of different ways to get help with our extras:
- Browse the Frequently Asked Questions for answers to common questions
- Sending an email to [email protected] is the fastest way to get one-on-one help from our team – we aim to respond within 2-3 business hours or 24 hours at most
- Search and/or post on our Community Forum, which is used by the modmore team and other customers
- For questions that can be answered in
140280 characters, you can also tweet us @modmore - Join the #modmore channel on the MODX Community Slack for impromptu/informal discussions - note that we may ask you to send an email for any account-related questions or questions we have to research before
Bug reports and feature requests are also welcome in all of these places.
If you have an urgent problem, please use [email protected] and include urgent in the subject title. We don't currently offer support by phone, but if we deem a phone or Skype call to be necessary to resolve a problem, we'll get in touch to arrange this.
For our open source extras, please use our Community Forum. Bug reports and feature requests are also welcome on the various public GitHub repositories we maintain.
Getting help from third party developers
Third party developers, like Treehill Studo, may offer their own support policies and channels. We will forward any questions you send to us, or you can use the information below to contact them directly.
Note that for license-related questions, you should contact the modmore team via [email protected] instead.
- Treehill Studio (Agenda, ConsentFriend) can be reached via email at [email protected]
Getting help with MODX and third party extras
If you'd like our help on any topic that isn't a premium extra, please see Premium MODX Support.