Released on 2025-01-29
- Fix not retrieving the Google maps zoom level in the location edit window
- Fix retrieving the context list in the context combo with newer MySQL databases
Released on 2025-01-21
- Use the date_timezone MODX system setting, when the agenda.default_timezone system setting is empty.
- Use the agenda.default_timezone setting in the cronjob too.
- Fix deprecated google.maps.Marker
- Fix deprecated google.maps.event.addDomListener
Released on 2024-12-30
- Don't set the id column to fixed width
- Don't show the reset warning for new events
- Fix generating the initial repeating event for new event or reset repeats with custom repeat type enabled
Released on 2024-12-19
- New useCursus property for the AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaDetailIcal and AgendaList snippets to bypass the cursus.event_where system setting and unnecessary Cursus placeholders.
- New agendaUseCursus property for AgendaEventGet, AgendaEventSet and AgendaSearch hooks to bypass the cursus.event_where system setting and unnecessary Cursus placeholders.
- Filtering excluded categories did not work
- Styling issue in the event edit window in MODX 3.x
Released on 2024-11-28
- Field options in extended fields: allow_blank, read_only and label_style are currently avaliable
Released on 2024-11-27
- New AgendaFormatDate and AgendaFormatRange output filter
- Add Downloads tab to the create/update event window
- Add agenda.use_downloads system setting to show/hide event edit Download tab
- New downloadTpl property for the AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail and AgendaList snippet to list the downloads
- New weekday property for the AgendaDetail and AgendaList snippet to filter events by weekday
- New calendarsJunction, categoriesJunction, usersJunction, usergroupsJunction, contextsJunction and locationsJunction property for the AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail and AgendaDetailICal snippets
- Field options in extended fields: allow_blank, read_only and label_style are currently avaliable
Released on 2024-11-05
- New calendarsJunction, categoriesJunction, usersJunction, usergroupsJunction, contextsJunction and locationsJunction property for the AgendaList snippet
- Add cursus fields to the AgendaEvents::toExtendedArray method
- Autosize for all exported Excel columns
- Enable remote sort for all grids
- Log the PhpSpreadsheet debug info in the error log and not elsewhere
- Fix for required fields in events that are not available in Cursus
- Don't use null values in not null database fields
- Fix wrong autoexpand column
Released on 2024-09-16
- Allow invalid ssl certificates while importing feeds
Released on 2024-09-03
- Support for MariaDB servers with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled
- Add extended event fields in the overview processor used by the overview connector
- Fix the clear filter button in the overview tab
- Fix only one new line is possible in a Redactor editor
Released on 2024-08-19
- Support for MySQL servers with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled
Released on 2024-06-19
- Add a purge button for not assigned categories, calendars and locations
- Show assigned events in the category, calendar and location edit window
- Fix the count of events in the events grid
Released on 2024-06-17
- Add a purge button for not assigned categories, calendars and locations
- Show assigned events in the category, calendar and location edit window
- Fix the count of events in the events grid
Released on 2024-04-23
- Add the active property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations snippets
- Clear only the state cache of Agenda with the Reset State button
- Fix a fatal error during the import
- Fix a fatal error during a csv export
Released on 2024-03-15
- Add two methods to the event import code to be overridden in a derived class
Released on 2024-03-08
- Use less the database queries to retrieve the events in an interval
- Fix showing all day events on the next day in the event list and the calendar list in some situations
Released on 2024-03-04
- Improve the database queries that are used to retrieve the events in an interval
- Fix showing all day events on the next day in the event list and the calendar list in some situations
Released on 2024-02-20
- Show the active status of the location in the event list column
- Show the inactive status of a location in the location combo
Released on 2024-02-18
- Show the active status of events, event dates, calendars and categories in the event list column
- Show the inactive status of a calendar in the overview hover popup
- Show the inactive status of a calendar in the calendar combo
Released on 2024-01-18
- Edit cursus event action column button for Cursus events (when Cursus is installed)
- Bugfix for a fatal error when exporting not existing extended fields
Released on 2023-12-12
- All event placeholders are available in a row of the search result
- Change the visibility of some set methods in the Import class to use them in extended classes
- Fix two accidentally swapped result placeholders in the AgendaSearch hook
Released on 2023-11-09
- Clear the MODX cache after auto activating/deactivating events
- Activate/Deactivate an event/event date or location in the edit window, when the 'activate at'/'deactivate at' date is set
Released on 2023-10-26
- Add joins & selects to the AgendaEvents eventsQuery method
- List events in the events grid that are repeating events but which have no event dates assigned
Released on 2023-10-13
- Set activate_at/deactivate_at/active for the first event with a custom repeat type
- Set the auto activaction time during creating/updating an event
- Add the active property to AgendaDetail and AgendaDetailICal snippets
- Add the locale property to the AgendaDetailICal snippet
- Add activate_at and deactivate_at to the allowed values of AgendaEventSet
Released on 2023-10-12
- Toggle events by active state in the calendar overview and the events grid.
Released on 2023-10-04
- OnAgendaValidate system events for most Agenda database classes
- New active property for the AgendaList and the AgendaCalendar snippet
- Add agenda.use_content, agenda.use_images, agenda.use_videos and agenda.use_users system settings to show/hide event edit tabs
- Remove combo fields instead of hiding them in the create/update windows to avoid ACL issues
- Fix normalizeDate method to retrieve a valid xPDO datetime string
- Fix sorting events with repeats in the events grid
Released on 2023-09-07
- Don't check the mediasource policy of images and videos in the frontend
Released on 2023-09-04
- Fix changing the mediasources of images and videos after selecting a new image
Released on 2023-08-28
- 'Activate/Deactivate At' fields for events, repeats, locations, images, videos, categories and calendars
- Activate/Deactivate events, repeats, locations, images, videos, categories and calendars with a plugin
- Allow to import CSV files without a header record line
Released on 2023-08-01
- Validate Cursus fields
- Direct download of the images in the images grid and edit window
- Increased length of the description field for images, videos and locations
- Fix the problem that the enter key in modx-texteditor triggers saving and closing of the editing window
Released on 2023-06-22
- Blur option to present the functionality without revealing personal data.
- Don't save empty extended fields.
- Only future results of locations, adresses and categories in the autocomplete processor
- Fix 'Instantiated a derived class AgendaEventDates that is not a subclass of the requested class AgendaEvents'
Released on 2023-06-07
- Add agenda.show_id system setting to show/hide an id field in the Agenda grids.
Released on 2023-06-06
- Add agenda.show_id system setting to show/hide an id field in the Agenda grids.
Released on 2023-05-25
- Fix a critical error in the AgendaEvents class
Released on 2023-05-02
- Add agenda.use_category, agenda.use_context and agenda.use_location system settings to show/hide event fields and grid columns.
- Import and geocode locations in the feeds.
Released on 2023-03-31
- Add methods in the import class to optionally update events and event dates data
- Open an event edit window in the custom manager page with a URL property
- Fix using the wrong search property in the AgendaSearch hook
- Fix for filterByEvents snippet property using wrong event dates
Released on 2023-03-11
- Fix the settings grid issue occuring in MODX 3.0.3
Released on 2023-03-09
- Agenda modules
- Import and export of events (CSV, XML and Excel)
- Add fulldescription and link values to the overview result
- Add custom repeat type to allow adding own event dates
- Add filterByEvents property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations snippet
- Snippet property where for all snippets
- State save of column visibility and sorting for the events grid
- OnAgendaBeforeSave/OnAgendaSave/OnAgendaDelete system events for most Agenda database classes
- Add modx-texteditor as editor type in the custom manager page
- Add durationRound property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar and AgendaDetail snippet
- Move unique alias generation to the object classes
- Unique result in the autocomplete processor
- Only future results in the autocomplete processor
- Fix the autocomplete processor sanitizing too much
- Sort the historical view reverse with the latest events first
Released on 2023-03-06
- Agenda modules
- Import and export of events (CSV, XML and Excel)
- Add fulldescription and link values to the overview result
- Add custom repeat type to allow adding own event dates
- filterByEvents property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations snippet
- Snippet property where for all snippets
- State save of column visibility and sorting for the events grid
- OnAgendaBeforeSave/OnAgendaSave system events for all database classes.
- Add modx-texteditor as editor type in the custom manager page.
- Move unique alias generation to the object classes
- Unique result in the autocomplete processor
- Only future results in the autocomplete processor
- Fix the autocomplete processor sanitizing too much
- Sort the historical view reverse with the latest events first
Released on 2023-03-03
- Agenda modules
- Import and export of events (CSV, XML and Excel)
- Add fulldescription and link values to the overview result
- Add custom repeat type to allow adding own event dates
- filterByEvents property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations snippet
- Snippet property where for all snippets
- State save of column visibility and sorting for the events grid
- OnAgendaBeforeSave/OnAgendaSave system events for all database classes.
- Move unique alias generation to the object classes
- Unique result in the autocomplete processor
- Only future results in the autocomplete processor
- Fix the autocomplete processor sanitizing too much
- Sort the historical view reverse with the latest events first
Released on 2023-03-02
- Agenda modules
- Import and export of events (CSV, XML and Excel)
- Add fulldescription and link values to the overview result
- Add custom repeat type to allow adding own event dates
- filterByEvents property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations snippet
- Snippet property where for all snippets
- State save of column visibility and sorting for the events grid
- OnAgendaBeforeSave/OnAgendaSave system events for all database classes.
- Move unique alias generation to the object classes
- Unique result in the autocomplete processor
- Only future results in the autocomplete processor
- Fix the autocomplete processor sanitizing too much
- Sort the historical view reverse with the latest events first
Released on 2023-01-24 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Agenda modules
- Import and export of events (CSV, XML and Excel)
- Add fulldescription and link values to the overview result
- Add custom repeat type to allow adding own event dates
- filterByEvents property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations snippet
- Snippet property where for all snippets
- State save of column visibility and sorting for the events grid
- Move unique alias generation to the object classes
- Unique result in the autocomplete processor
- Only future results in the autocomplete processor
- Fix the autocomplete processor sanitizing too much
- Sort the historical view reverse with the latest events first
Released on 2023-01-19 (Pre-releases Channel)
- Agenda modules
- Import and export of events (CSV, XML and Excel)
- Add fulldescription and link values to the overview result
- Add custom repeat type to allow adding own event dates
- filterByEvents property for AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories and AgendaLocations snippet
- Snippet property where for all snippets
- State save of column visibility and sorting for the events grid
- Move unique alias generation to the object classes
- Unique result in the autocomplete processor
- Only future results in the autocomplete processor
- Fix the autocomplete processor sanitizing too much
- Sort the historical view reverse with the latest events first
Released on 2022-11-10
- Fix boolean Agenda options
Released on 2022-10-29
- Fix search query
- Fix extended repeat fields for not repeating events
Released on 2022-10-19
- Make the next run editable in the feed grid.
- A feed event will have an entry in the AgendaEventDates table too.
- Update composer dependencies
- Fix a sometimes too short feed url field.
- Fix a sometimes too short event content field.
- Fix run feed sometimes does not work in the backend.
Released on 2022-10-12
- Show repeats for not repeating events, when agenda.extended_repeat_fields is filled.
- Do not activate hidden tabs that were previously active
- Change the extended fields in the database to mediumtext
- Fix a permanent event change warning
Released on 2022-09-28
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- Title & description fields for each event repeat
- System Setting agenda.extended_repeat_fields and agenda.extended_location_fields for adding extended fields to locations and event repeats
- System Setting agenda.extended_xtypes_script for adding new xtypes to the Agenda custom manager page
- Example xtypes in assets/components/agenda/js/examples/xtypes.js
- Add the event location and description to the iCal download.
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Modified saving of repeating events: A possible reset is indicated and the reset warning will be shown before save
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
- Fix not set editedon and editedby fields
Released on 2022-09-26
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- Title & description fields for each event repeat
- System Setting agenda.extended_repeat_fields and agenda.extended_location_fields for adding extended fields to locations and event repeats
- System Setting agenda.extended_xtypes_script for adding new xtypes to the Agenda custom manager page
- Example xtypes in assets/components/agenda/js/examples/xtypes.js
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Modified saving of repeating events: A possible reset is indicated and the reset warning will be shown before save
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
- Fix not set editedon and editedby fields
Released on 2022-09-21
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- Extended fields for locations
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Modified saving recurring events: A possible reset is indicated and the reset warning will be shown before save
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
Released on 2022-09-10
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- Extended fields for locations
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
Released on 2022-08-25
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
Released on 2022-08-17
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
Released on 2022-08-15
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
Released on 2022-08-11
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
Released on 2022-08-10
- Compatibility with Cursus
- System Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats for extended format validation in the date input
- ajax snippet property for AgendaCalendar, AgendaCalendars, AgendaCategories, AgendaDetail, AgendaList and AgendaLocations snippet
- System setting agenda.manager_date_format, agenda.manager_date_format_long, agenda.manager_time_format and Setting agenda.manager_date_alt_formats replaced with lexicon based settings
- Fix a typo in the schema
- Fix lockfile warning
- Fix wrong handling of agenda.category_required setting
- Fix showing NaN dates in Safari
Released on 2022-02-28
- Allow calendars, categories with the same name (the alias has to be different)
- Install the Composer dependencies directly on the server
- Fix a location saving issue, when the Google API Key is not set
Released on 2022-02-25
- Allow locations with the same name (the alias has to be different)
- Add the alias field to the edit location window
- Fix a vendor folder issue
Released on 2022-02-22
- Improved compatibility with richtext editors
- Improved compatibility with pdoPage AJAX requests
Released on 2021-12-23
- Downgrade Tippy.js to 5 for MODX 3 compatibility
- Fix MODX 3 styles
- Update composer dependencies
Released on 2021-12-13
- Update FullCalendar in backend from 3.x to 5.x
- Use Luxon instead of moment.js
- FullCalendar language is based on MODX Manager language
- A not recurring event will have an entry in the AgendaEventDates table too.
- Hide the repeats tab during editing not recurring events.
- Hide the images, videos and users tabs during creating events.
- Hide the images, videos and users tabs during creating events.
- Removing only one repeat removed all future repeats of an event
- The end time of an event was increased by one minute in the list view
- Fix a wrong isArray check
Released on 2021-11-15
- Update FullCalendar in backend from 3.x to 5.x
- Use Luxon instead of moment.js
- FullCalendar language is based on MODX Manager language
- A not recurring event will have an entry in the AgendaEventDates table too.
- Hide the repeats tab during editing not recurring events.
- Hide the images, videos and users tabs during creating events.
- Hide the images, videos and users tabs during creating events.
- Removing only one repeat removed all future repeats of an event
- The end time of an event was increased by one minute in the list view
- Fix a wrong isArray check
Released on 2021-11-12
- Update FullCalendar in backend from 3.x to 5.x
- Use Luxon instead of moment.js
- FullCalendar language is based on MODX Manager language
- A not recurring event will have an entry in the AgendaEventDates table too.
- Hide the repeats tab during editing not recurring events.
- Hide the images, videos and users tabs during creating events.
- Hide the images, videos and users tabs during creating events.
- Removing only one repeat removed all future repeats of an event
- The end time of an event was increased by one minute in the list view
- Fix a wrong isArray check
Released on 2021-07-27
- Update FullCalendar in backend from 3.x to 5.x
- Use Luxon instead of moment.js
- FullCalendar language is based on MODX Manager language
- A not recurring event will have an entry in the AgendaEventDates table too.
- Hide the repeats tab during editing not recurring events.
- Hide the images, videos and users tabs during creating events.
- Removing only one repeat removed all future repeats of an event
- The end time of an event was increased by one minute in the list view
Released on 2021-06-17
- Update FullCalendar in backend from 3.x to 5.x
- FullCalendar language is based on MODX Manager language
- Removing only one repeat removed all future repeats of an event
- The end time of an event was increased by one minute in the list view
Released on 2021-04-09
- AgendaSearch hook for SimpleSearch
- Autocomplete connector processor displaying/searching event names, location names and (optional) location addresses
- DateInterval property issue
Released on 2021-04-01
- AgendaDetailICal snippet
- MODX 3 compatibility
- Refresh a feed in the custom manager page grid row
Released on 2021-03-29
- AgendaDetailICal snippet
- MODX 3 compatibility
- Refresh a feed in the custom manager page grid row
Released on 2021-03-14
- AgendaDetailICal snippet
- MODX 3 compatibility
- Refresh a feed in the custom manager page grid row
Released on 2021-02-05
- prev_url/next_url placeholder in the AgendaDetail output
- prev_/next_ prefixed placeholder for the previous/next event in the AgendaDetail output
- Fix a wrong count placeholder value for mixed normal and repeating events
Released on 2021-02-03
- prev_url/next_url placeholder in the AgendaDetail output
- prev_/next_ prefixed placeholder for the previous/next event in the AgendaDetail output
- Fix a wrong count placeholder value for mixed normal and repeating events
Released on 2020-11-02 (Pre-releases Channel)
- prev_url/next_url placeholder in the AgendaDetail output
- prev_/next_ prefixed placeholder for the previous/next event in the AgendaDetail output
- Fix a wrong count placeholder value for mixed normal and repeating events
Released on 2020-10-12
- Missing validation rules for repeat types
- Fix a rendering issue in the custom manager page
- Fix the last occurrence of recurring events being increased for one day
- Fix not deleting existing recurring events, when the repeat options are changed.
Released on 2020-08-06
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2020-07-20
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2020-07-07
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2020-06-10
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2020-03-18 (Pre-releases Channel)
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2020-03-01 (Pre-releases Channel)
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2020-02-13 (Pre-releases Channel)
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2019-12-20 (Pre-releases Channel)
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2019-12-11 (Pre-releases Channel)
- AgendaEvent FormIt Hooks
- Extended fields for events
- AgendaCalendar snippet
- Log invalid date snippet properties
- allowedRequestKeys snippet property for AgendaList, AgendaCalendar, AgendaDetail, AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippets
- Selected property for AgendaCategories, AgendaCalendars and AgendaLocations snippet
- Alt click on the linked resource quickedit button opens a new full edit window
- Show category colors/backgrounds in the overview
- Display an add button in every half hour row in the day view of the overview
- Calendar and category filter in the event tab
- Fix some styling glitches in the custom manager page
- excludeEvents & excludeRepeats snippet property for AgendaList snippet
- Duplicate images, videos, users and usergroups while duplicating an event
- French lexicon
- Remove the edit button in the overview and make the event clickable
- Use a more common value for the enddate/repeating enddate of an all day event
- Don't list the event multiple in AgendaList, when it has multiple categories
- Update composer dependencies
- Fixing a getPage/pdoPage count issue
- Fixing an entity issue in the resource combo
- Fix a css issue with the linked resource combo box
- Fix a not localized output in the range placeholder of an event
- Fix a not working switch of htmleditor to textarea for the event/location description
- Fix recurring event calculations
Released on 2019-10-30
- Fixing a TinyMCE RTE display issue in not initially visible tabs
- Change the text input for the location address to textarea
- Fixing the enter key in redactor triggers saving & closing the edit window
Released on 2019-10-21
- Fixing not displaying the last day in the overview, when it ends before 9:00
- Fixing the display of all day events duration in the overview
- Removing the min/max restrictions of the dependent date/time inputs in event and recurring event create/edit window
- Fill the end date with the start date value, when the end date is empty and opposite
- Don't show the event multiple in the overview, when it has multiple categories
Released on 2019-10-09
- Save the context value during creating/editing an event
- Load the Google Maps API only when the agenda.google_maps_api_key is set
- Allow `0` as value for `parents_calendar`, `parents_category`, `parents_event` and `parents_location` system setting
- Don't display an empty list in `AgendaCalendar`/`AgendaCategory`/`AgendaLocation`, when the `calendar`/`category`/`location` property is empty
- Fix a date display issue in Safari
Released on 2019-10-03