MODX Berlin update: schedule updated!
Did you get your tickets yet? At the time of writing, we're down to the last 10 available tickets, so if you'd like to join our 10 year anniversary party and MODX meetup, better get in there!
To give you 2 more reasons, the schedule is now complete with 2 more presentations:
- Herbert Kroon and Arjen Trouwborst from Dutch agency DBB will be showing off their Flex toolkit for MODX that lets you build custom structures and models without (much) development, and can integrate with other systems like Commerce.
- Thomas Jakobi from Treehill Studio will present his new extra Cursus, an extension to Agenda, that allows you to take reservations for events managed in Agenda.
That's in addition to the previously confirmed talks by Andreas Zeller on the agency perspective of MODX and selling high value products like a website, yours truly giving a very first early look at ContentBlocks 2, and an open show & tell where you're invited to show off anything cool you've built recently.
More information about the event and tickets can be found here.
If you're unable to join us in-person, there will be a live stream! You'll have to bring your own drinks and snacks, but can follow along remotely and chat with MODXers from around the world. Of course we'll also pass along your questions and comments to speakers.
The live stream is free and no registration is required, but if you do sign up here, we'll drop you an email with practical information (like the link!) in the week of the event.
Hope to see you there!