TimeSlots for Commerce 1.2
A new version of the TimeSlots extension for Commerce is now available. This extension lets you configure slots during which your customers can pickup orders (or have them delivered) and was first released in 2021.
In v1.2 of the extension, which requires Commerce 1.3.1, we added some new powerful features.
- Automatic scheduling. You can now assign days to your schedules, and automatically populate your calendar from there. As before, you can continue to make changes to slots once they're added to the planning for any exceptions or changes in availability on specific dates.
- Composite shipping methods. This means you can select a different shipping method type (such as TableRates or the new Google Routes) to determine the price and availability of the Time Slots shipping method. So you set your available time slots, but have the price determined by the customer address, for example.
- Simplified slot selection. The front-end template no longer needs the date and slot ID - just the slot ID is enough to confirm the selection. This makes some custom UI structures easier.
In addition, some issues have been fixed:
- Fix filling in schedules when populating dates with multiple time slot methods active
- Fix automatic date/schedule population not using the commerce_timeslots.prefill_future_days system setting
- Fix scheduler method to always expect an array (Commerce 1.3.1+)
- Fix manually adding a time slot to a specific shipping method
- Update to 1.3 EventDispatcher, bumping minimum version to Commerce 1.3 and PHP 7.4