SimpleCart is now available from modmore

Recently we announced that SimpleCart is joining the modmore family, and today we're excited to announce that it has arrived safe and sound. Not all boxes are unpacked just yet, but we're inviting guests to the house party. Here's what has changed with regards to SimpleCart and what we have been working on so far.

We're turning 2!

It's our second birthday today! Exactly two years ago we introduced modmore to the world and launched with just Redactor and SimpleAB, so today we celebrate! Read on to find out about what we accomplished and how to get your hands on one of the licenses we're giving way to celebrate.

Dropping support for MODX 2.2 on July 16th

A quick reminder that we will no longer be actively supporting MODX Revolution 2.2 starting next month (July 16th). This is exactly one year after 2.3.0 was released, which has hopefully given you enough time to upgrade your sites.