Two new Sterc Extras now available

Back in February last year, we announced our first third-party extra available on the modmore marketplace: Formalicious. This was an experiment, and we're pleased to say the experiment went well.

So, today, we're adding two more extras from our friends over at Sterc:


SEOSuite helps you manage 404 pages, which comes in especially handy on larger sites with lots of pages. SEOSuite automatically redirects page not found URLs to relevant pages on your site. It also allows you to monitor page not founds on the dashboard, and you can upload a CSV file with incorrect URLs (from Google Search Console, for example) to have them fixed by SEOSuite.

Read more about SEOSuite


VerifyLogin adds an extra layer of security to MODX. Once installed, VerifyLogin will notify you when your account was accessed from a new location so you can take appropriate action right away.

Read more about VerifyLogin

You can, of course, test both of these extras out for free by using a development license.

Marc Jenkins

Marc is a frontend developer from Birmingham, England. Often found writing or enjoying a dram of whisky, occasionally at the same time.