Happy Holidays!

I'm not sure about you, but November and December has flown by for me. Actually, most of the past 6 months of running modmore has flown by. From a crazy idea a few years ago, to a real possibility earlier this year and an actual, launched premium extras shop in June. I'd like to share some stats to celebrate... and get 10% off on all purchases until January 1st!

Help Us Help Molly Holzschlag

When we heard Molly Holzschlag was diagnosed with a rare liver condition and had lost her health benefits earlier this month we knew there must be something we could do to help.

Back from MODXpo, introducing...

It was probably hard to miss. Just over a week ago, both JP DeVries and myself attended MODXpo Europe 2013 in Cologne, Germany. As sponsor we wanted to tell people about what we do, why we do it and how we do that, but it was also great to simply talk to people with great ideas and to listen to the other speakers.

On Saturday, after plenty of teasing and refusing to answer any questions about it, I finally revealed the next Premium Extra that is in the works: VisualContent. Read on to find out more..

MoreGallery now available!

At last! It took 18 beta releases to get to this point, but now that MoreGallery has been tested, broken, fixed, improved, redesigned and thankfully well received by the beta testers, MoreGallery is finally out of beta!